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How to Treat your Scar at Home to Speed Up C Section Scar Healing

Writer's picture: Hannah PoultonHannah Poulton

Updated: Oct 7, 2024

Nobody Talks about C Section Scar Healing

In case you didn’t know, as a C section Mum you are a true Superhero! Over the past 9 months or so, your body has been through so much and now here you are trying to look after a new baby AND deal with the itchiness, the tightness and the look and feel of your C section scar!  

The hospital or district nurse have most likely given you practical advice about your baby and what you “shouldn’t be doing” having had a C section, but what do you do about the scar? Especially when it’s itchy or looks angry! 

Practical Steps to Heal your Scar

After about 4-6 weeks after giving birth (and if your scar is not open, has no infection, no stitches or staples), then we recommend starting to treat your scar with a combination of scar massage and scar healing products. 

We’d love to welcome you to our clinic here at HLP Therapy, where we offer a gold standard of care in C section scar massage, but you can also massage your scar at home. 

How to Perform Scar Massage on your C Section:

Please watch the video below to see how you should initially engage with your scar when doing scar massage on yourself. This simple action is a gentle way to introduce you to self scar massage.

Scar Products to Speed up your Healing

In addition to scar massage, we often get asked about products that can be used to help with your C section scar healing – so we’d love to recommend the best ones we use here at our clinic. 

Firstly, the Scarban C Section Recovery Kit. This is a fantastic silicone strip which you can place over your scar which locks in the moisture to help your scar heal. In fact, the silicone strip acts as a physical barrier, to prevent your clothing from rubbing against your scar and causing friction. 

Watch this video to see exactly how the Scarban Silicone Strip works, and how to use it at home:

Scar Creams

Another fantastic product to have in your healing kit is cream to help your scars. There are several types of cream you can get. First, if you scar is red, itchy and angry looking, then we recommend ALHYDRAN cream. This is a medical grade cream that helps combat any soreness, reduces redness and makes your clothes feel more comfortable as it severely decreases itchiness.  

Product image with a white background of the different products available in the Alhydran cream range
Alhydran Cream

Now, if you’ve visited us in clinic before or seen any of our YouTube videos, you’ll no doubt know that we are also a huge fan of the NAQI range. Whilst most of our scar products are recommended for around 6 weeks after birth, the Naqi scar oil can be used from 2 weeks after birth (as long as your scar is closed). In other words, you can get a head start with your healing! 

Additionally, Naqi skin optimising oil helps reduce the appearance of your scar. It creates a barrier to protect your scar and increases moisture to help skin regeneration. 

Full C Section Recovery Kit 

If you’re looking for a complete C Section recovery kit containing the Scarban silicone strip, Naqi scar oil, Naqi skin optimising oil AND a fantastic belly binder, then our Ultimate recovery kit is just for you! Take a look as HLP Therapy’s clinical director, Hannah Poulton shows you what’s inside that kit and how it will help your healing: 

Feel supported with your journey

It's understandable that you a prioritising your baby right now, but it’s so important that you take care of yourself too. You deserve the same care you are showing your baby, and we are passionate in helping you heal well and feel supported as you do so. 

You may find our YouTube playlist about massaging your own scar at home useful, and please always get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about your scar. 

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